AUTHOR: Coburg Theatre
TITLE: The Three Vampires; or Maids beware of Moonshine - The Jew - Thalaba The Destroyer.
PUBLISHER: Lambeth: T. Romney, 1823.
DESCRIPTION: Playbill / broadside, 1 page, 36.5 cm x 23.5 cm, single sided.
CONDITION: Top edge trimmed, chip along top edge affecting theaters name, lower edge trimmed at an angle affecting several words, otherwise VERY GOOD.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: An unusual playbill with an unusual early 19th century Vampire stage production. Stating that it is to be produced for the 4th time on Thursday Sept. 4th 1823. "...an entirely New Operatic, Melo-Dramatic, Terrific Vampiric, Monsterous, Frankensteinish, Horrific Romantic Burletta, comprising much Moonshine, and more Mirth, written under the Lunar influence, but not a Lunatic, which it is hoped will please for many Moons to come, and prove any thing but Moonshine to the Manager,..."
We can find only a single reference to this play in a 1972 Ohio Sate University dissertation by Frederick Elliott Warner, "THE BURLETTA IN LONDON'S MINOR THEATRES DURING THE NINETEENTH CENTURY WITH A HANDLIST OF BURLETTAS."