TITLE: The Wonders of The Peake.
PUBLISHER: London: for Joanna Brome, 1681.
DESCRIPTION: FIRST EDITION. 1 vol., 6-7/8" x 4-1/2", [ii]86pp., complete, bound in contemporary full speckled calf, covers ruled in blind.
CONDITION: Internally clean and bright, inner and outer hinges fine, head and foot of spine rubbed with some minor loss, overall VERY GOOD.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The dedicatee is Elizabeth, Duchess of Devonshire. Written in heroic couplets, this work by Cotton was one of the first landscape poems of a movement which only became significant under Queen Anne.
Charles Cotton published this satirical poem just five years after Thomas Hobbes' own "Wonders of the Peak" poem was translated into English. Cotton's poem recalls a visit to the 'Devil's Arse', nowadays known as Peak Cavern, in Castleton.
Cotton is also known for contributing a treatise on fly fishing for trout in the second edition of Izaak Walton's famous book, "The Compleat Angler".