"inhuman Cannibals of Florida"
TITLE: God's Protecting Providence, Man's Surest Help and Defence, in Times of Greatest Difficulty, and most eminent Danger, evidenced in the remarkable Deliverance of Robert Barrow,.. & the cruel devouring Jaws of the inhuman Cannibals of Florida.
PUBLISHER: London: by James Phillips, 1790.
DESCRIPTION: SEVENTH EDITION. 1 vol., 136pp., 12mo., 6-3/8" x 4-3/16", bound in 1/2 brown morocco, gilt decorated spine, blind stamp to front blank endleaf of "D Hicks & Co. Book Binders San Francisco".
CONDITION: Internally clean and bright, inner and outer hinges fine, head and foot of spine fine, a VERY GOOD copy.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The last copy of this title to appear at auction was a 1759 fourth edition in 2009.
This work relates the shipwreck of Dickenson, his family, Robert Barrow, an elderly Quaker missionary, some 20 other passengers, slaves, crew and an Indian girl. The vessel, set sail from Jamaica in 1696, the ship was wrecked in a storm off the east coast of Florida, landing near Jupiter Island, about 20 miles north of present day West Palm Beach. The party after getting safely ashore, was seized by Indians, and stripped of their clothing and other possessions. The Indians made no effort to kill or enslave them, but let them proceed some 200 miles to St. Augustine, where they were befriended by the Spaniards, who then sent them on their way to Charleston, and eventually to Philadelphia. One of the most popular of 18th century captivity narratives.