AUTHOR: LEAF, Munro (Theodore Geisel - Dr. SEUSS).
TITLE: This is Ann: She's Dying to Meet You.
PUBLISHER: WDC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1944.
DESCRIPTION: [32] pp. Illustrated throughout by Dr. Seuss. 13.4x10.8 cm. (5-1/4" x 4-1/4"), illustrated wrappers with one staple.
CONDITION: General handling and spotting to covers, internally clean and right, VERY GOOD-.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Younger & Hirsch 78. Variant state "c" with inside of rear wrapper black with illustration of Ann in white. Rear wrapper reads, "U.S. Government Printing Office: 1944-O-565454.". Possibly an unrecorded variant as Y&H state that only the earliest printing (variant A) was bound with one staple all others had two staples.
A scarce little pamphlet warning American troops stationed abroad about the perils of mosquitoes and the malaria that they carry. According to RBH & ABPC the last copy of this variant to appear at auction was 2012.