SHAKESPEARE, William [Dryden-Davenant]. The Tempest, or The Enchanted Island. A Comedy. As it is now Acted At Their Majesties Theatre. (LONDON - 1690)


AUTHOR: SHAKESPEARE, William [Dryden-Davenant]. 

TITLE: The Tempest, or The Enchanted Island. A Comedy. As it is now Acted At Their Majesties Theatre.

PUBLISHER: London: by J. M. for H. Herringman, 1690.

DESCRIPTION: 1 vol., 223 x 170 mm, [iii]62pp., complete, 3 front blank binders leaves detached, small restored hole affecting the "E" of Dorset on the title-page, extream lower corner of E4 repaired (nowhere near text), text rather clean and bright throughout, bound in full green morocco, covers double ruled in gilt, gilt dentellles, by Sangorski & Sutcliffe and dated 1903, toning to edges of covers, back corners rubbed with loss, rebacked at some earlier date, overall a VERY GOOD copy.


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The Dryden-Davenant adaption of Shakespeare's famous play.  This adaption added three new characters to the play to create added audience interest, a sister of Miranda called Dorinda, a sister of Caliban called Sycorax, and a foster son of Prospero named Hippolito. Somewhat rare, auction records locate just 7 copies coming to auction in the last 45 years.