AUTHOR: SHELLEY, Mary Wollstonecraft.
TITLE: The Fortunes Of Perkin Warbeck, A Romance.
PUBLISHER: London: Henry Colburn & Richard Bentley, 1830.
DESCRIPTION: FIRST EDITION. 3 vols., 7-7/8" x 5-1/8", half-title to vol.1, without the leaf of advertisements at end of vol.3, bound in contemporary 1/2 brown morocco, ribbed gilt decorated spies, top edges gilt, others uncut as issued, by Wood.
CONDITION: Internally clean and bright, inner and outer hinges fine, head and foot of spines fine, a VERY GOOD set.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Set in the 15th century Shelley's novel retells "the events surrounding the struggles of Perkin Warbeck, who claimed to be Richard, Duke of York, to wrest the English throne from Henry VII. Although it portrays Henry as ruthless and manipulative and Richard as seemingly idealistic and caring, the novel enunciates Shelley's philosophy that, in the end, there is little difference between men who destroy nations in the interest of their own power." (ODNB). Scarce - the last copy sold at auction in 2010. Rare book hub locates only 7 copies sold at auction since 1920.